HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager 6.3 CLI Guide

Table 22 Parameter descriptions for -set iscsi-boot-param (continued)
xAllows the iSCSI option
ROM to retrieve the TCP/IP
parameters from DHCP or
through static configuration.
Valid values are enabled
and disabled. The default
selection for this attribute is
disabled allowing for
static configuration.
-dhcpvendorid parameter
is required if the
is set to enabled.
String used to match the
value in the Vendor Class Id
field in the DHCP offer
packet when retrieving iSCSI
boot parameters
The function returns the result of the set operation or a jobid if nb is specified.
Configure basic boot attributes on an iSCSI connection of profile MyProfile1:
vcemcli -set iscsi-boot-param profilename MyProfile1 portnumber 1
bootorder primary -Lun 100 -initiatorname "iqn.2009-
09.com.someorg.iSCSI-Initiator" initiatorip
-mask -targetname "iqn.2009-09.com.someorg.iSCSI-Target"
-targetip targetport 40000
-authentication CHAP username SomeUserName
-secret SomePassword123
Configure iSCSI Boot attributes to be retrieved from DHCP:
vcemcli -set iscsi-boot-param profilename MyProfile1 portnumber 1
-bootorder primary iscsibootparamdhcp enabled
-networkparamdhcp enabled dhcpvendorid SomeVendorIDValue
Configure CHAPM secret and secret values:
vcemcli -set iscsi-boot-param profilename MyProfile1 portnumber 1
-bootorder primary
-authentication CHAPM username SomeUserName
-mutualusername SomeMutualUsername
-iscsibootparamdhcp enabled
-networkparamdhcp enabled
-dhcpvendorid SomeVendorIDValue
Minimum Required Role Based Security
VCEM Group Operator
The job status for the jobid can be obtained by executing VCEMCLI with the show job command
and providing the associated job ID. For more information see show job (page 67).
set iscsi-boot-param 55