6.5 HP StoreAll 8200/9300 Storage Administrator Guide

The following command deletes all routing table entries for virtual interface eth0:1 on file serving
node s2.hp.com:
ibrix_nic -r -n eth0:1 -h s2.hp.com -D
Deleting a network interface
Before deleting the interface used as the cluster interface on a file serving node, you must assign
a new interface as the cluster interface. See “Changing the cluster interface” (page 111).
To delete a network interface, use the following command:
ibrix_nic -d -n IFNAME -h HOSTLIST
The following command deletes interface eth3 from file serving nodes s1.hp.com and
ibrix_nic -d -n eth3 -h s1.hp.com,s2.hp.com
Viewing network interface information
Executing the ibrix_nic command with no arguments lists all interfaces on all file serving nodes.
Include the -h option to list interfaces on specific hosts.
ibrix_nic -l -h HOSTLIST
The following table describes the fields in the output.
File serving node for the standby network interface.BACKUP HOST
Standby network interface.BACKUP-IF
File serving node.HOST
Network interface on this file serving node.IFNAME
IP address of this NIC.IP_ADDRESS
Whether monitoring is on for this NIC.LINKMON
MAC address of this NIC.MAC_ADDR
IP address in routing table used by this NIC.ROUTE
Network interface state.STATE
Network type (cluster or user).TYPE
When ibrix_nic is used with the -i option, it reports detailed information about the interfaces.
Use the -h option to limit the output to specific hosts. Use the -n option to view information for a
specific interface.
ibrix_nic -i [-h HOSTLIST] [-n NAME]
112 Maintaining the system