6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Manages the archiving system.
The ibrix_archiving command manages the Express Query system, including the database
and scanner daemons. You can display the status of the Express Query system and start, stop, or
restart the daemons.
The Express Query database for each file system is stored on that file system. The Express Query
database is closed before the file system is unmounted. Because closing the database can take a
long time, the -F option can be used to forcefully stop the Express Query daemons and disable
database access to all file systems enabled for Express Query. When you restart the daemons after
using the -F option, the database enters in recovery mode, which can take a long time to complete
depending on the size of the database.
Display the status of the archiving system:
ibrix_archiving -l
Lists the file systems registered to Express Query to maintain an up-to-date database. Shows the
status of each file system's database.
The possible states are:
Express Query is offline because of an abnormal database state. Express Query will
remain offline until the database state returns to normal.
Express Query is offline because of an abnormal file system state. Express Query will
remain offline until the file system state returns to normal.
Express Query is offline because of an abnormal scanner state. Express Query will remain
offline until the scanner state returns to normal.
An error has occurred, and the Archiving Infrastructure was unable to start. Check the
event log for possible causes.
Fusion Manager is in the process of starting Express Query for this file system.DaemonStarting
file system could not be added to the Express Query.DBNotAdded
file system could not be added to the archiving infrastructure.FSNotAdded
Fusion Manager is initializing the database for the file system.InitializingDB
Manual Intervention Failure (MIF). Express Query detected an unrecoverable data issue.
User action is required. See ibrix_archiving -C FSNAME for information on how
to recover.
Express Query is being synchronized with the file system contents. Express Query might
return incomplete results during the synchronization.
The Express Query store is available.OK
The Express Query store is available and all metadata updates have been processed.OK (IDLE)
Express Query is being re-synchronized with the file system contents.OnlineSync
Express Query is being reconstructed because of a previous abnormal termination. Express
Query is offline during the recovery.
10 StoreAll commands