6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
To enable EQWSI on a standard HTTP share or StoreAll REST API share in file compatible mode:
Delete an HTTP share:
Delete all HTTP shares associated with a file system:
ibrix_httpshare -d -f FSNAME
Display information about an HTTP share:
ibrix_httpshare -i SHARENAME -c PROFILENAME -t VHOSTNAME [-v level]
Generate a Windows Explorer Search Plug-in file:
A Windows Explorer Search Plug-in file is used to link an EQWSI supported Windows client to
an EQWSI-enabled HTTP share. Copy the HPStoreAll-<sharename>.osdx file from the /usr/
local/ibrix/httpd/htdocs directory to a supported EQWSI Windows client, such as
Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Then,
double-click the Windows Explorer Search Plug-in file for the share to appear under Favorites in
Windows Explorer. For more information about EQWSI and Windows Explorer Search Plug-in,
see the HP StoreAll Storage User Guide.
List all HTTP shares, or shares associated with a specific profile:
ibrix_httpshare -l [-c PROFILENAME] [-v level][-t VHOSTNAME]
Use -v 1 to display detailed information.
List HTTP shares associated with a specific file system:
ibrix_httpshare -l -f FSNAME [-v level]
Use -v 1 to display detailed information.
List StoreAll REST API peer shares:
ibrix_httpshare -l -o
List the valid settings for a share:
ibrix_httpshare -L
Activate the WebDAV feature:
ibrix_httpshare -S "davmethods=true"
Lists valid HTTP share settings.-L
Specifies the URL that clients will use to access the share.-P urlpath
Specifies the settings that are to be applied to an HTTP share. Use a comma to separate the
settings, and enclose the settings in quotation marks, such as
"browseable=true,readonly=true,...". If a value is not specified for a setting, the
default value will be used. To see a list of available settings for the share, use
ibrix_httpshare -L.
Adds an HTTP share.-a SHARENAME
Specifies a configuration profile.-c PROFILENAME
Deletes an HTTP share.-d
Specifies a file system.-f FSNAME
ibrix_httpshare 115