6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
ibrix_lookup -f fs1 -e "pathname = *.pdf and filesize > 1M" -t csv -c
Displays a report on the console for PDF files that are larger than 1 mebibyte in a file system named
fs1. The report is also saved in a file in csv format.
ibrix_lookup -f fs1 -e "atime < 2013-01-01 or filesize < 10K" -t txt
Displays a report for files that were last accessed before 2013-01-01 or for files that are smaller
than 10 kibibytes in file system fs1, in text (txt) format.
Displays the report on the console.-c
Specifies the search criteria.-e
Specifies one or more file systems.-f
Specifies the report sort criteria.-p
Specifies the output format of report.-t
Shows the usage for this command.-?
See also
132 StoreAll commands