6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Remove an allocated address:
ibrix_clusterconfig -d -L DEV -I ADDRESS
Show OS parameters and tunings:
ibrix_clusterconfig -i -O
Create or update an OS parameter:
ibrix_clusterconfig -c -O KEY=VALUE,[...KEY=VALUE]
Delete/reset an OS parameter:
ibrix_clusterconfig -d -O KEY
List OS parameters and defaults:
ibrix_clusterconfig -Q
Synchronize parameters on file serving nodes:
ibrix_clusterconfig -s [-P] [-O] [-o keyword] [-h HOSTLIST]
Use -P to synchronize cluster parameters. Use -O to synchronize OS tunings.
Host address aliases.-A
MAC address.-C
Sets DNS domains.-D DOMAIN1[,...,DOMAINn]
IP address [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn].-I ADDRESS
Allocated addresses.-L DEV
Netmask [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn].-M NETMASK
NTP servers.-N SERVER1[,...,SERVERn]
OS parameters and tunings, which are:-O KEY=VALUE,[...KEY=VALUE]
sysct.kernel.maps_protect: Hides memory relocations from
other users. The default value is 1 (hidden). Zero (0) means memory
relocations are not hidden.
sysctl.kernel.printk: Controls kernel messages logged to
the console. The default value is 3 4 1 7.
config.cpuspeed.GOVERNOR: Sets the dynamic CPU governor.
The default value is performance.
config.selinux.SELINUX: Sets the selinux status on segment
servers. The default value is disabled.
config.ntpd.SYNC_HWCLOCK: Synchronizes the hardware clock
after a successful NTP update. The default value is no.
sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_mem: Bounds used by TCP to track its
memory usage (3 integers). The default value is 196608 262144
sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_wmem: Bounds used by TCP to regulate
the send buffer sizes (3 integers). The default value is 4096 13684
sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_rmem: Bounds used by TCP to regulate
the receive buffer sizes (3 integers). The default value is 4096
87380 4194304.
sysctl.net.core.wmem_max: The maximum socket (in bytes)
for the send buffer size in bytes. The default value is 131071.
40 StoreAll commands