6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Lists active replication tasks.-l
The ID of a replication task.-n TASKID
Specifies that this replication is a run-once task. The default is continuous.-o
Pauses the specified replication task.-p
Resumes the specified replication task.-r
Starts a replication task for the specified file system.-s
Use -w option to specify CRR security token for inter-cluster replication. If this option is
not specified, the default token will be used for replication. The CRR security token can
have a length of 8-16 characters only. Please enclose the token with special characters
within single quotes. Allowed characters are alphanumeric and special characters \`
~ ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] | ; < > . ? / only.
Shows the usage for this command.-?
See also
ibrix_crr_export, ibrix_crr_nic, ibrix_cluster
ibrix_crr 51