6.5 HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
Checks the health of active remote replication tasks and generates reports.
The ibrix_crrhealth command checks the status of CRR activities on the source and target
cluster and provides detailed reports that include the following information:
Network connectivity between Fusion Managers and nodes on the source and target clusters
Node health checks
CRR task status
Analysis of CRR log files
If the health check finds an issue in the CRR operation, it generates a critical event.
Reports are generated on the source cluster. If the target cluster is running a version of StoreAll
software earlier than 6.2, only the network connectivity check is performed.
It takes approximately two minutes to generate a CRR health report. Reports are updated every
10 minutes. Only the latest five CRR health reports are preserved.
List all CRR health reports for active replication tasks:
ibrix_crrhealth -l
Show details for a report:
ibrix_crrhealth -i -n REPORTNAME
Use ibrix_crrhealth -l to obtain the name of the report.
Lists all reports for active replication tasks.-l
Shows details for a health report.-i
Specifies the name of the health report to be displayed.-n REPORTNAME
Shows the usage for this command.-?
ibrix_crrhealth 55