6.0 HP X9320 Network Storage System Administrator Guide (AW542-96009, December 2011)

Log files
See /var/log/stats.log for detailed logging for the Statistics tool. (The information includes
detailed exceptions and traceback messages). The logs are rolled over at midnight every day and
only seven days of compressed statistics logs are retained.
The default /var/log/messages log file also includes logging for the Statistics tool, but the
messages are short.
Configuring shared ssh keys
To configure one-way shared ssh keys on the cluster, complete the following steps:
1. On the management console, run the following commands as root:
# mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
# chmod 0700 $HOME/.ssh
# ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa -P ''
This command creates two files: $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa (private key) and $HOME/.ssh/
id_dsa.pub (public key).
2. On the management console, run the following command for each file serving node:
# ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub server
For example:
ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@<NodeIP>
3. On the management console, test the results by ssh'ing to each file serving node:
# ssh {hostname for file serving node}
Uninstalling the Statistics tool
The Statistics tool is uninstalled when the X9000 Software is uninstalled.
To uninstall the Statistics tool manually, use one of the following commands.
Uninstall the Statistics tool, including the statstool and dependency rpms:
# ibrixinit tt -u
Uninstall the Statistics tool, retaining the statstool and dependency rpms:
# ibrixinit tt -U
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