6.5 HP StoreAll OS User Guide

Table 45 Category definitions (continued)
Available ReportsDescriptionCategory
Cluster Comparison/Cluster
Cumulative/Host-level: Memory
Reports on memory usage, swap
memory and free memory in
percentage of total memory
Utilization, Swap Memory, Free
Cluster Comparison/ Cluster
Reports to view Network activity in
KB/sec and Operations on all devices
in ops/sec
NetworkTransmit Operations,
Cluster Comparison/Cluster
Cumulative/Host-level: Read, Write,
Reports on different NFS operations
to monitor NFS mounted file systems.
Comm, Look, Acces, Gttr, Sttr, Rdir,
Create, Rmov, Rnam, Link, Rlink, Null,
Syml, Mkdr, Rmdir, Fstat, Fint, Path,
Mknd, Rdr+
Fusion Manager failover and the Performance Statistics tool configuration
In a High Availability environment, the Performance Statistics tool fails over automatically when
the Fusion Manager fails over. You do not need to take any steps to perform the failover. The
statistics configuration changes automatically as the Fusion Manager configuration changes.
After a successful failover, the stored cluster-level database generated before the Fusion Manager
failover is moved to the current active Fusion Manager, allowing you to request reports for the
duration selected, within maximum of 15 minutes.
NOTE: If the old active Fusion Manager is not available (pingable), the historical statistics
database is not transferred to the current active Fusion Manager.
Check the /usr/local/ibrix/log/statstool/stats.log file for errors.
Checking the status of Performance Statistics tool processes
To determine the status of Performance Statistics tool processes, run the following command:
# /etc/init.d/ibrix_statsmanager status
ibrix_statsmanager (pid 25322) is running...
There are two processes for the performance statistics tool, Master and Collector. In the output,
the pid is the process id of the “Master” process that controls all the child processes.
Controlling Performance Statistics tool processes
Use the ibrix_statscontrol tool to start or stop the processes on any file serving nodes.
Stop processes on specific file serving nodes:
# /usr/local/ibrix/stats/bin/ibrix_statscontrol stop
Stopping IBRIX Stats Agent: [ OK ]
Start processes on specific file serving nodes:
# /usr/local/ibrix/stats/bin/ibrix_statscontrol start
Starting IBRIX Stats Agile: [ OK ]
344 Obtaining performance statistics