6.3 HP StoreAll Storage Release Notes (TA768-96086, April 2013)

If you are using a Windows Vista client and running more than a single copy of Robocopy from
that client, a hang is possible. The work around is to disable the SMB2 protocol on all file serving
nodes. Complete these steps:
1. Disable the SMB2 protocol on all nodes:
ibrix_cifsconfig -t -S SupportSmb2=0
2. Restart the SMB service on all nodes:
ibrix_server -s -t cifs -c restart
You may also need to restart the Windows client, as the original negotiated protocol, SMB2, may
be cached by the client. Restarting the client renegotiates the protocol back to SMB1.
Windows SMB1 clients do not support view, copy and restore features from previous versions if
the snap tree is created one level below the root of the file system (for example: /ifs1/dir1)
and the CIFS share is created at the root of the file system (for example: /ifs1).
By default, root and ibrix accounts have shell access to the cluster node. To obtain shell access
for additional users to the cluster node via SSH, add the user name (Active Directory or UNIX
users) specified in the down-level logon name format in the AllowUsers field in the
/etc/ssh/sshd_config file. The account must be in the following format in lower case:
Table 1 Required Syntax for the AllowUsers field
Required syntax for the account (lower case required)Type of User
allowusers root ibrix <domain>\usernameActive Directory users: Use
the down-level logon name
allowusers root ibrix ldapuser localuserLocal and LDAP users: Use
the UNIX user format.
Restart the sshd service by entering the following command for your changes to the sshd_config
file to take effect:
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
Be sure to remove Active Directory users from the StoreAll share admin list before removing them
from Active Directory. If you remove an Active Directory user from Active Directory before removing
the user from the StoreAll share admins list, an error is reported when you attempt to change the
share admins list. If you are seeing errors from this situation, rejoin Active Directory and remove
all share admins. For example:
ibrix_auth -n ib.lab -A administrator@ib.lab -P fusion -S "share
Then run ibrix_auth again to specify the new list of share admins:
ibrix_auth -t -S "share admins=[ib\Administrator]"
Do not use spaces in share names. The GUI cannot create a share if there is a space in the name.
SMB clients have a 45 second timeout on every SMB request they make. If a request's timer
expires before a response comes, the client disconnects and terminates the SMB connection with
this error message: The specified network name is no longer available. After
this, the client must reconnect to the SMB server. If you are seeing this message from clients
connected to a busy server, they may be encountering timeouts from overload. For more information
about SMB client timeouts, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/102067.
14 Workarounds