6.1 HP IBRIX X9000 Network Storage System File System User Guide (TA768-96061, June 2012)

Unexporting a file system
A file system should be unexported before it is unmounted. On the GUI, select the file system, select
NFS Exports from the lower Navigator, and then select Unexport.
On the CLI, use the following command:
ibrix_exportfs -f FSNAME -U -h HOSTNAME -p CLIENT:PATHNAME [-b]
Using case-insensitive file systems
By default, X9000 file systems and directories follow POSIX semantics and file names are
case-sensitive for Linux/NFS users. (File names are always case-insensitive for Windows clients.)
If you prefer to use Windows semantics for Linux/NFS users, you can make a file system or
subdirectory case-insensitive. Doing this prevents a Linux/NFS user from creating two files that
differ only in case (such as foo and FOO). If Windows users are accessing the directory, two files
with the same name but different case might be confusing, and the Windows users may be able
to access only one of the files.
CAUTION: Caution is advised when using this feature. It breaks POSIX semantics and can cause
problems for Linux utilities and applications.
Before enabling the case-insensitive feature, be sure the following requirements are met:
The file system or directory must be created under the X9000 File Serving Software 6.0 or
later release.
The file system must be mounted.
Setting case insensitivity for all users (NFS/Linux/Windows)
The case-insensitive setting applies to all users of the file system or directory.
Select the file system on the GUI, expand Active Tasks in the lower Navigator, and select Case
Insensitivity On the Task Summary bottom panel, click New to open the New Case Insensitivity
Task dialog box. Select the appropriate action to change case insensitivity.
NOTE: When specifying a directory path, the best practice is to change case insensitivity at the
root of a CIFS share and to avoid mixed case insensitivity in a given share.
Using case-insensitive file systems 51