6.1 HP IBRIX X9000 Network Storage System CLI Reference (TA768-96057, June 2012)

Use -v 1 to display detailed information.
List the valid settings for a share:
ibrix_ftpshare -L
Specifies the IP addresses/ports assigned to this share.-I IPaddrs:Port
Lists valid FTP share settings.-L
Specifies the settings to apply to an FTP share. Use a comma to separate the settings, and
enclose the settings in quotation marks, such as browseable=true,readonly=true,....
To see a list of available settings for the share, use ibrix_ftpshare -L.
Adds an FTP share.-a SHARENAME
Specifies a configuration profile.-c PROFILENAME
Deletes an FTP share.-d
Specifies a file system.-f FSNAME
Displays information about FTP shares.-i
Lists FTP shares.-l
Modifies the specified FTP share.-m SHARENAME
Specifies the path to the share.-p dirpath
Specifies users and their access permissions. Use commas to separate the users (for example:
The value of access can be r/w/rw.
Displays detailed information. Enter 1 as the level.-v level
Shows the usage for this command.-?
See also
70 X9000 File Serving Software commands