6.5 HP StoreAll OS User Guide

b. Identify the bond(x) VIF:
# ibrix_nic -a -n bond1 -h node1,node2,node3,node4
In this instance node[1–4] is a host name.
c. Assign an IP address to the bond1 VIFs on each node. In the command, -I specifies the
IP address, and -M specifies the netmask:
Sample commands (based on the high availability VIFs identified in the graphic in Step
ibrix_nic -a -n bond1:5 -h ib1-14s5
ibrix_nic -c -n bond1:5 -h ib1-14s5 -I -M
ibrix_nic -a -n bond1:60 -h ib1-14s6
ibrix_nic -c -n bond1:60 -h ib1-14s6
ibrix_nic -b -H ib1-14s5/bond1:5,ib1-14s6/bond1:60
ibrix_nic -a -n bond1:6 -h ib1-14s6
ibrix_nic -c -n bond1:6 -h ib1-14s6 -I -M
ibrix_nic -a -n bond1:50 -h ib1-14s5
ibrix_nic -c -n bond1:50 -h ib1-14s5
ibrix_nic -b -H ib1-14s6/bond1:6,ib1-14s5/bond1:50
d. Enable high availability after you create the VIF:
ibrix_server -m
4. Verify the FM user VIF for the cluster:
ibrix_nic l
If you have an FM user VIF for the cluster,[Active FM Nonedit] is displayed with a type
of User, as highlighted in the following output:
Creating an Object Store 131