6.5 HP StoreAll OS User Guide

Retrieve Object
Type of Request: Object Requests
Description: Returns the list of containers for a user account.
HTTP command:
GET /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name> HTTP/1.1 ["Sync-Requested:
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl -o <local_pathname> http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/
<account_name>/<container_name>/<object_id> -u <username>:<password>
[--header "Sync-Requested: 1"]
Delete Object
Type of Request: Object Requests
Description: Deletes an object.
HTTP command:
DELETE /<urlpath>/<account_name>/<container_name>/<object_name> HTTP/1.1
["Sync-Requested: 1"]
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl -X DELETE http://<IP_address:port>/<urlpath>/<user_id>/<container_name>/<objectname> -u <username>:<password>
[--header "Sync-Requested: 1"]
Filesystem flush
Description: Sync or flush all pending write operations on entire filesystem.
HTTP command:
PUT /<urlpath>/HTTP/1.1
Sync-Requested: 1
CURL command (Enter on one line):
curl -X DELETE http://<IP_address:port/<urlpath>/ u
<username>:<password> --header Sync-Requested: 1
The HTTP response will return the "Sync-Result" header in the response with the value that
represents the errno (defined in the standard Linux header files errno_base.h and errno.h),
where 0 (zero) means that sync was done successfully and any other value indicates sync did not
complete and durability is not guaranteed.
216 HTTP-REST API object mode shares