6.5 HP StoreAll OS User Guide

Continuous remote replication job may hang if the target cluster goes down
If the job is hanging, files will not be replicated. In this situation, the job status will indicate it is
running normally, but no files are replicated. If you see that replication is not occurring even though
new files have been created, stop and then restart the job.
Starting a continuous remote replication job when the passive node is down
If you start a continuous remote replication job when the passive node is down, the state of the
job will display STOPPED, but the active status will display Yes. To resolve this issue, you must
manually stop the job and then restart it. In the GUI, select Active Tasks > Remote Replication in
the lower Navigator. The Remote Replication Tasks bottom panel lists any replication tasks currently
running or paused on the file system. Select the applicable job and click Stop. Then, start a new
The state of the continuous remote replication job is STOPPED but its active
state is displayed as Yes
If you start a continuous remote replication (CRR) job with a passive node in a down state, the
state for the CRR job is displayed as STOPPED and its active state is displayed as Yes. The
workaround is to manually stop the CRR job and rerun it.
When active replication tasks are running, the initial restart of the ibrix_server
services results in the ibrix_cud service failing
This issue can occur in either of the following scenarios:
A running replication task is not listed in the active tasks list. To resolve this issue:
1. Check the status of the ibrix_server services:
service ibrix_server status
The ibrix_cud service should be running.
2. If the ibrix_cud service is not running, start the ibrix_server services:
service ibrix_server start
3. Verify that the ibrix_cud service is now running.
service ibrix_server status
4. Stop the replication task:
ibrix_crr -k -n <TASKID>
Use ibrix_task -l to obtain the appropriate ID. The stopped replication task is moved
to the inactive task list. Use ibrix_task -l -c to view this list.
5. Start a new replication task:
ibrix_crr -s -f <SRC_FSNAME> -o -S <SRCDIR> -P <TGTDIR> [-e
The -S option specifies the directory under the source file system to synchronize with the
target directory. The -P option specifies the target directory.
When starting a new replication task, the "task failed to start" message is displayed. To resolve
this issue:
1. Check the status of the ibrix_server services:
service ibrix_server status
2. Verify that the ibrix_cud service is running.
service ibrix_server status
Troubleshooting remote replication 271