6.5 HP StoreAll OS User Guide

EQWSI queries only support dates from 1970-01-02 (January 2, 1970). EQWSI does not
support the explicit usage of dates lesser than or equal to 1970-01-01 in the queries,
irrespective of the operators used in the query. For instance, the EQWSI query
rxtime<=1970-01-01” is not supported whereas the EQWSI query “rxtime<=1970-01-02”
is supported.
Generally, EQWSI queries involving multiple keywords with complex conditions may result
in timeouts if the Express Query database response is not returned to the Windows client
within 60 seconds. This issue is generally observed on large file systems.
Table 36 Supported keywords for EQWSI queries
Supported Value stringsSupported OperatorsDescriptionKeyword
Date format:=Last accessed date:atime
YYYY-MM-DD!=This keyword can be used
to search files/directories
based on their last access
Date format:=Creation date:crtime
YYYY-MM-DD!=This keyword can be used
to search files/directories
based on their creation date.
Date format:=Changed date:ctime
YYYY-MM-DD!=This keyword can be used
to search files/directories
based on their last changed
Date format:=Deleted time:dtime
YYYY-MM-DD!=This keyword can be used
to search files/directories
based on their deletion date.
The value should be any valid
Express Query supported
attribute key string.
Metadata key:
This keyword can be used
to search files/directories
based on their metadata
The value should be any of
the following strings:
!=This keyword can be used
to search files or directories
file [for files]
or both based on their
dir [for directories]
all [for files and directories]
Date format:=Last modified date:mtime
Express Query Windows Search Integration (EQWSI) 317