HP StoreAll OS 6.5.1 Upgrade Guide

5. Import your custom metadata by entering the following command:
MDImport -f <FSNAME> -n /tmp/custAttributes-<FSNAME>.csv -t custom
-m <mountpoint>
NOTE: This process may require additional metadata information to be read from the file
system and thus may take a long time to complete. For reference, this process takes up to five
hours to complete for a 10 million custom metadata export file.
6. Re-create HTTP shares deleted before the upgrade on each node in the cluster (if desired) by
entering the following command:
NOTE: The REST API functionality has been expanded, and any REST API (Object API) shares
you created in previous releases earlier than 6.3 are now referred to as HTTP-StoreAll REST
API shares in file-compatible mode. The 6.3 release introduced a new type of HTTP share
called HTTP-StoreAll REST API share in Object mode.
ibrix_httpshare -a <SHARENAME> -c <PROFILENAME> -t <VHOSTNAME> -f
In this instance:
<SHARENAME> is the share name.
<PROFILENAME> is the profile name.
<VHOSTNAME> is the virtual host name
<FSNAME> is the file system.
<DIRPATH> is the directory path.
<URLPATH> is the URL path.
<SETTINGLIST> is the list of settings. Ensure that you include the setting
ibrixRestApiMode=filecompatible when creating REST API file–compatible mode
shares. See the ibrix_httpshare command in the HP StoreAll OS CLI Reference Guide
for more information on other relevant settings.
7. Enable CIFS, NFS, FTP shares. To enable CIFS, NFS and FTP shares, click Add in the
Management Console. You can also enable shares using the CLI. See the HP StoreAll OS CLI
Reference Guide for more information.
8. While offline synchronization is running, queries to the database return partial results. For
accurate results, wait for the offline synchronization to complete.
To determine if offline synchronization is complete, enter the following command until you see
the OK state for the file system:
ibrix_archiving l f <FSNAME>
For reference, offline synchronization of a file system with 10 million files may take up to two
hours to complete.
Migrating the validation checksums
Any upgrades from a release earlier than 6.5.1 requires a migration of the checksums from the
Validation Meta Store (VMS) to the Express Query database.
IMPORTANT: If you do not migrate the checksums, new checksums are generated for existing
files on the file system.
To migration the checksums to the Express Query database:
Migrating the validation checksums 15