HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

Example 4-2 Sample service.ini FIle
# Is the service included in the default configuration? [0/1]
service_recommended = 0 or 1
# How many nodes can each server handle optimally?
# (Use 1000000 if there should be only one server per system.)
optimal_scale_out = some_value
# Must the service be run on the head node? [0/1]
# Is it advantageous to run the service on the head node? [0/1]
# (No more than one of these should be 1.)
head_node_required = 0 or 1
head_node_desired = 0 or 1
# Must a server node have an external connection? [0/1]
# Is it advantageous for a server to have an external connection? [0/1]
# (No more than one of these should be 1.)
external_connection_required = 0 or 1
external_connection_desired = 0 or 1
# Does the service need exclusive use of its server? [0/1]
exclusivity_desired = 0 or 1
# If yes, a name to group other services to the same server
# exclusivity_group = some_name
Description of service.ini File Parameters
The parameters in the service.ini file are defined as follows:
Assigning 1 to this parameter indicates that the
service is part of the default configuration. Thus, the
cluster_config utility recommends the
assignment of nodes to this service.
Alternately, assigning 0 means that the
cluster_config utility does not interpret the
service as part of the default configuration.
Defines the number of nodes that this new service
can serve with optimal performance. The
cluster_config utility divides the total number
of nodes in the HP XC system by this value to obtain
the number of server nodes for this service.
Specify 1000000 (1 million) if scaling is not a factor.
Assigning 1 to this parameter indicates that the
service must run on the head node.
Assigning 0 indicates that the service does not need
to run on the head node.
Do not assign 1 to both the head_node_required
and head_node_desired parameters. If you assign
1 to the head_node_required parameter, assign
0 to the head_node_desired parameter.
74 Managing and Customizing System Services