HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 3.1

L.8 Start the Service Daemons
Enter the following command to start the server, scheduler, and MOM daemons:
# pdsh -w "x[n-n, N]" service pbs start
In the previous command, the node list "x[n-n, N]" specifies the range of execution nodes (n-n), and
also the PBS server node (N). For example, a valid node list is "n[1-49,100]" (the double quotation
marks are required).
Enter the following command to automatically start PBS Professional at boot time:
# pdsh -w "x[n-n, N]" chkconfig --level 345 pbs on
Use the same value for node list as specified in the pdsh command for starting the service daemons.
L.9 Set Up PBS Professional at the User Level
There is some overlap in the name space of PBS Professional commands and other software provided by
HP XC. Users must complete the following tasks to enable them to submit jobs as in a standard PBS
Professional installation.
Users must set their PATH and MANPATH variables so that the PBS Professional versions of commands
and manpages are invoked.
csh or tcsh shell users must append the following commands to an appropriate login shell
% setenv PATH /usr/pbs/bin:${PATH}
% setenv MANPATH /usr/pbs/man:${MANPATH}
sh/ksh/bash shell users must append the following commands to an appropriate login shell
% PATH=/usr/pbs/bin:${PATH} ; export PATH
% MANPATH=/usr/pbs/man:${MANPATH} ; export MANPATH
Users must configure OpenSSH to enable a login without a password. Use the following commands,
described in the HP XC System Software User's Guide, pressing the Enter key in response to all system
prompts to accept the default values:
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ cat id_dsa.pub >>authorized_keys
$ chmod go-rwx authorized_keys
L.10 Run HP MPI Tasks
The PBS Professional distribution contains a wrapper script named pbs_mpihp , which is used to run HP
MPI jobs. The wrapper script uses information about the current PBS Professional allocation to construct
a command line, and optionally, an appfile suitable for HP MPI. The wrapper also sets the MPI_REMSH
environment variable to the PBS Professional pbs_tmrsh remote shell utility. This remote shell enables
PBS Professional to keep track of communication between MPI processes on different nodes.
To use the wrapper, replace the standard mpirun script and call the pbs_mpihp wrapper instead in HP
MPI job launch scripts. Two sample launch scripts are presented in the following examples:
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=2
/usr/pbs/bin/pbs_mpihp -np 8 <other_MPI_options> ./a.out
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=2
/usr/pbs/bin/pbs_mpihp -np 8 <other_MPI_options> -f appfile
180 Installing and Using PBS Professional