SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

Working Features
defers job start until the specied time value, which may be any one of these formats:
date is any calendar date in the format
time is any time of day in the format HH:MM[:SS][AM|PM]
delay is specied by the digits count in the otherwise literal format:
now + count minutes|hours|days|weeks
special species the job start time by using any one of these unusual
time-literal strings:
teatime [= 4 p.m.]
--core=ctype selects the corele format for your job in contexts where several alternative formats
are supported. Here ctype may be:
normal (default) species a full core dump.
light species a lightweight corele format (with liblwcf).
list causes SRUN to print a list of (other) currently supported corele
formats (if any) and end.
species the address addr or hostname to use for task communication and
synchronization primitives for MPCIH2 (PMI). The default value is the response to
the getnodename function (but you must supply an address if DNS lookup cannot be
performed on that hostname).
-D path (uppercase, --chdir=path)
causes each remote process to change its default directory to path (by using CHDIR)
before it begins execution (without -D, the current working directory of SRUN
becomes the default directory for each process).
-d level (lowercase, --slurmd-debug=level)
species level as the level at which daemon SLURMD reports debug information and
deposits it in this job's STDERR location. Here level can be any integer between 0
(quiet, reports only errors, the default) and 4 (extremely verbose messages).
SLURM Reference Manual - 26