SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

w is an integer specifying the width of this column in characters
(omitting w uses just as much space as the data requires, which
usually means that there is no column alignment from one row
(= job) to the next).
Z is a single case-sensitive letter that species the content (the job
property) reported in this column (using the dictionary given below).
For example, %.8j uses a right-justied (.) column 8 characters wide
to report job name (lowercase j).
The default column specications for noncustomized SQUEUE job reports are:
-o "%.7i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.2t %.9M %.6D %N"
See the SQUEUE example (page 50) section below for a sample default report and
a sample column-customized report built using the -o option.
Available one-letter case-sensitive content speciers (Z) for use in %.wZ eld
specications are (in alphabetical order):
b time when this job started executing
c minimum number of CPUs requested
C (uppercase) actual number of CPUs allocated
d minimum temp disk space (in Mbyte) requested
D (uppercase) minimum number of nodes requested (if pending),
or, actual number of nodes allocated (if running)
e time when job ended (or is predicted to end)
f node features required by this job
h (yes/no) allocated nodes can be shared with other jobs?
i job ID or job-step ID (numeric)
j job name (alphanumeric)
l time limit (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
m minimum requested memory size (in Mbyte)
M (uppercase) time used (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
n list of requested node names
N (uppercase) list of allocated node names
o minimum number of nodes requested
O (uppercase) (yes/no) are contiguous nodes requested?
p job priority (0.0 .GE. p .LE. 1.0)
P (uppercase) job partition
S (uppercase) job start time
t job state (abbreviated, see later section)
T (uppercase) job state (spelled out)
u user name (alphanumeric)
U (uppercase) user ID (numeric)
SLURM Reference Manual - 49