HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

2. Make sure all nodes are up:
# power --status
3. If you have configured the kdump service, reboot all nodes except the head node to activate
the kdump code.
4. Set up the LSF environment by sourcing the LSF profile file:
# . /opt/hptc/lsf/top/conf/profile.lsf
5. Complete this step if the system is configured with LSF with SLURM. Otherwise omit this
a. If you assigned two or more nodes with the resource_management role and want
to enable LSF failover, enter the following command.
# controllsf enable failover
b. Determine the node on which the LSF daemons are running:
# controllsf show current
LSF is currently running on node n32, and assigned to node n32
c. Log in to the node that is running LSF:
# ssh n32
6. If the hardware configuration contains servers with multiple core CPUs (dual core or quad
core) and you are using standard LSF, use a text editor to open the /opt/hptc/lsf/conf/
lsf.conf configuration file and add the following line for LSF to recognize multiple cores.
Otherwise, omit this step and the next.
7. Restart the LIMs on all hosts.
# lsadmin reconfig
Checking configuration files ...
No errors found.
Restart only the master candidate hosts? [y/n] n
Do you really want to restart LIMs on all hosts? [y/n] y
Restarting the LIM daemon is required because the licensing of LSF with SLURM occurs
when the LIM daemon is started. This means that the LIM daemon will be licensed only for
processors that are actually available at that time, which might be fewer than the total number
of processors available after all nodes have been imaged and are up and running.
8. Update the LSF batch system with the latest resource information reported by SLURM:
# badmin reconfig
Checking configuration files ...
No errors found.
Reconfiguration initiated
9. After the imaging completes successfully, verify that all nodes are up and running the correct
# pdsh a 'uname a'
Proceed to Section 9.11 (page 153).
9.11 Starting Availability Tools After the Upgrade
Perform this task only if you configured improved availability of services. Omit this task if you
did not configure availability sets.
9.11 Starting Availability Tools After the Upgrade 153