HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

7. Do one of the following to install and image the client nodes:
If the client nodes were not previously installed with the HP XC System Software, see
“Running the startsys Utility to Start the System and Propagate the Golden Image”
(page 117) to continue the initial installation procedure.
If the client nodes were previously installed, issue the following sequence of commands
to set the nodes to network boot and reboot the client nodes (wait until the stopsys
command completes before invoking the startsys command):
# setnode --resync n[4-156]
# stopsys n[4-156]
# startsys --image_and_boot n[4-156]
E.2.3 Example 2: Changing Default Partition Sizes and Swap Space for All Client
This example modifies the default partition sizes and the available swap space for all client nodes.
The size of the / (root) partition is increased to 70 percent of available disk space (after accounting
for swap space), the /var partition is decreased to 29 percent of available disk space (after
accounting for swap space), and the amount of swap space is changed to be 1.5 times the amount
of physical memory.
1. Use the text editor of your choice to open the /opt/hptc/systemimager/etc/
make_partitions.sh file and search for the following:
2. Add a pound sign (#) to comment out the line:
# BOOT_SIZE="300
3. Search for the block of text that is similar to this:
4. Make the following changes to alter the partition sizes as a percentage of the available disk
space. Remember to uncomment and set the BOOT_PERCENTAGE.
5. Search for the block of text that is similar to this:
# Configure swap space as a percentage of memory. Default is 1X.
# At the MINIMUM, we need 4GB of swap space for 'tmpfs' staging
# for future multicast (flamethrower) imaging. However, 6GB is
# recommended, since the size of the image is likely to grow over time.
# The maximum swap size we'll configure, regardless of memory size
# The percentage of memory we'll configure as swap space
# Default is 1 (100%).
6. Change the MEM_PERCENTAGE variable to 1.5 to create a swap partition that is 1.5 times
the size of physical memory. This will only be effective if the physical memory size is greater
than 6 GB and less than 16 GB because swap partition size is bounded by these limits.
7. Save the changes to the file and exit the text editor.
208 Customizing Client Node Disks