HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

cannot connect to MySQL server, 177
database administrator password, 54
database backup, 134
database server
configuring, 108
disk partition sizes, 37
file system layout, 37
node role assignments, 215
system configuration, 215
dense node numbering, 51
development environment tools, 87
disabled node inserted in database, 176
discover command, 63
BL2x220c server blade, 70
command line options, 65
discovering enclosures, 70
discovering nodes only, 70
double density serve blades, 70
- -extended option, 52
flowchart, 173
HP ProLiant DL140, 66
HP ProLiant DL145, 66
information required by, 63
no node found, 175
no switch found, 68
- -oldmp option, 64
switches, 68
troubleshooting, 173
disk configuration file, 211
disk partition
default file system layout, 37
default sizes on installation disk, 37
maximum size of, 37
on client nodes, 90, 205
disk_io role, 219
distribution media, 35
configuration, 25
search path, 55
server, 55
additional publications, 21
compilers, 21
FLEXlm, 20
HowTo, 17
HP XC System Software, 17
Linux, 20
manpages, 21
master firmware list, 17
Modules, 20
MPI, 20
MySQL, 20
Nagios, 19
pdsh, 19
reporting errors in, 22
rrdtool, 19
software RAID, 21
Supermon, 19
syslog-ng, 19
SystemImager, 20
TotalView, 21
double density server blades
discovering, 70
download site
for patches, 59
dual or quad core
enabling in standard LSF, 235
DVD, 35
e-mail address for documentation feedback, 22
elanhosts file, 123
discovering, 70
enabling SNMP trap monitoring, 126
environment variable
LSF, 235
SLURM, 235
/etc/hptc-release, 138
Ethernet connection
configuring on any node, 224
configuring on head node, 54, 57
external role, 219
failover (see improved availability)
file system
/hptc_cluster on SFS server, 80
creating or mounting /hptc_cluster, 61
improved availability of /hptc_cluster, 29
maximum sizes, 37
file system layout, 37
file system performance
maximizing, 210
firmware versions, 24
Flamethrower, 117
FLEXlm, 26
gateway IP address, 55
gethostbyaddr message, 176
GID, 90
golden client, 53
golden image, 53
creating, 115
propagating to all nodes, 117
recovering corrupted base image, 115
group account ID, 90
hardware preparation, 24
head node
configuring Ethernet connection, 54, 57
default disk partition layout, 37
256 Index