HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

IMPORTANT: After the initial system installation and configuration is complete, you might
have to download and install patches as part of regular system maintenance.
If a new kernel is supplied in a patch, you must rebuild all kernel dependent modules. This task
is described in the HP XC System Software Administration Guide.
3.6 Creating or Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System (Optional)
This task is optional. Perform one of the following tasks if you chose to install the /hptc_cluster
file system somewhere other than on the installation disk on the head node:
“Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System on an SFS Server” (page 61)
“Creating and Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System Locally” (page 61)
“Creating an LVM Volume and Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System on Shared
Storage” (page 61)
3.6.1 Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System on an SFS Server
During the HP XC system configuration process, you might have decided to configure the
/hptc_cluster file system on an HP SFS server to provide failover capabilities.
Thus, if you want this file system located on an HP SFS server, use the instructions in Section 5.7.1
(page 80) to install the HP SFS software and mount /hptc_cluster now. The SFS Client
Installation and User Guide describes how to mount the /hptc_cluster file system on an HP
SFS file system.
IMPORTANT: If XC is configured with SFS 2.3 and you want to mount the /hptc_cluster
file system from the SFS server, you must use flock as a mount option.
3.6.2 Creating and Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System Locally
If you intend to put the /hptc_cluster file system on a local disk, you must create and mount
the /hptc_cluster file system now on a local disk and partition of your choice.
Remember to reformat the file system using the appropriate utility (such as mkfs) to clear out
old data.
3.6.3 Creating an LVM Volume and Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System on
Shared Storage
You must create an LVM volume on the shared storage if you are enabling improved availability
of the /hptc_cluster file system by assigning the avail_node_management role to the
head node and another node in an availability set.
The following procedure provides an example of how to use the fdisk utility on the head node
to create and mount an LVM volume called VolGroup00 on disk /dev/sdb on the shared
storage. In the example, /dev/sdb represents the entire disk, but you can specify a partition. If
you need more information about a command shown in the procedure, see the corresponding
1. Create a new partition on the selected disk:
# /sbin/fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): n
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-65270, default 65270): +50G
Command (m for help): t
Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e
Command (m for help): w
3.6 Creating or Mounting the /hptc_cluster File System (Optional) 61