HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

6 Configuring and Imaging the System
This chapter describes system configuration and imaging tasks, which you must perform in the
following order:
1. “Preparing to Answer cluster_config Questions” (page 95)
2. “Running the cluster_config Utility to Configure the System” (page 100)
3. “Configuring Availability Sets” (page 101)
4. “Modifying and Assigning Node Roles” (page 103)
5. “Responding to cluster_config Questions” (page 105)
6. “Editing the /etc/dhcpd.conf File” (page 117)
7. “Running the startsys Utility to Start the System and Propagate the Golden Image”
(page 117)
6.1 Preparing to Answer cluster_config Questions
Table 6-1 lists the information required by the cluster_config utility.
Table 6-1 Information Required by the cluster_config Utility
Description and User ActionItem
You are prompted to configure availability sets for improved availability of services
if you have installed and configured an availability tool (such as HP Serviceguard)
as described in Section 1.9 (page 26).
If you are not prompted to configure availability sets and you expected to configure
availability sets, return to Section 1.9 (page 26) and ensure you followed all
Availability sets
A command-line menu appears which enables you to change the default node role
assignments and to add or remove an external Ethernet connection to any node.
See Appendix F (page 215) for node role definitions and for more information about
using the menu.
Node role assignments and
Ethernet connections
You are prompted to specify if one or more of the following services should run on
the internal HP XC administration network or over a bonded InfiniBand (IB)
dbserver (database server)
If you are using bonded InfiniBand as the interconnect, running services on the
interconnect eliminates a single point of failure.
Run services on the internal
administration network or on
the interconnect
If root Secure Shell (SSH) keys already exist, you are prompted to regenerate them.
If you regenerate the SSH keys, you cannot run the ssh or pdsh commands to other
client nodes until you reimage them.
For this reason, HP recommends that you regenerate SSH keys so you can determine
if all nodes have successfully booted the new image.
SSH key regeneration
You are prompted to supply the number of NFS daemons to be run on the head node
and on any other NFS server within the system to support the number of NFS clients
in the system. A default is provided based on the number of nodes in the hardware
Number of NFS daemons
6.1 Preparing to Answer cluster_config Questions 95