HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.0-00 Administrator Guide (web) (TB581-96325, December 2012)

Table Of Contents
2. Open the httpsd.conf file.
The httpsd.conf file is stored in the following location:
In Windows:
In Linux:
3. In the last line of the httpsd.conf file, register information about management clients that can
be connected to the Device Manager server.
The following shows how to specify the httpsd.conf file:
<Location /DeviceManagerWebService>
order allow,deny
allow from management-client [management-client...]
Hosts can be written in the following formats:
The domain name (example: hp.com)
Part of the domain name (example: hp)
The whole IPv4 and IPv6 address (example:
Part of the IPv4 address (example: 10.1 which, in this case, means
IPv4 Network/Netmask format (dot notation) (example:
IPv4 and IPv6 Network/c (CIDR notation: c is a decimal integer that indicates the number
of bits for identifying a network) (example: 2001:0:0:1230::/64)
If you want to specify multiple management clients in a command line for allow from, delimit
the hosts with a space.
Multiple lines can be used to specify hosts for allow from.
If the GUI or CLI of P9000 Command View AE Suite products is used on the management server,
you must also specify the local loopback address ( or localhost).
Be sure to specify order in accordance with the specified format. If extra spaces or tabs are
inserted, operation will fail.
The following example shows how to register management clients in the httpsd.conf file:
<Location /DeviceManagerWebService>
order allow,deny
allow from 2001::123:4567:89ab:cdef
allow from 2001:0:0:1230::/64
4. Register information about the management clients in the server.http.security.clientIP
or server.http.security.clientIPv6 property.