HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.0-00 Administrator Guide (web) (TB581-96325, December 2012)

Table Of Contents
R600.44332.456: \\.\PhysicalDrive3
R500.14050.345: \\.\PhysicalDrive5
R500.14050.346: \\.\PhysicalDrive6
R500.14050.347: \\.\PhysicalDrive10
R501.89832.780: \\.\PhysicalDrive15
Format of the perf_findcmddev command
The perf_findcmddev command allows you to specify a command device in the
perf_cmddev.properties file.
To execute this command, you must have Administrator permissions (for Windows) or root permissions
(for Linux).
The format of the perf_findcmddev command is as follows:
In Windows:
{ view | verify | write [-file file-name] }
In Linux
{ view | verify | write [-file file-name] }
The parameters for the perf_findcmddev command are described below.
If you specify no parameter, multiple parameters, or upper-case parameters, the method for specifying
the command is displayed.
This parameter displays the settings for the command devices defined in the perf_cmddev.prop-
erties file. The following table describes the command device settings displayed by the
perf_findcmddev command.
Table 56 Command device settings displayed by the perf_findcmddev command
Displays the RAID ID.
R700 for HP P9500
R600 for HP XP24000
R601 for HP XP20000
R500 for HP XP12000
R501 for HP XP10000
R502 for SVS200
Raid ID
Displays the serial number of the storage system by using a decimal (base 10)
Displays the number of the SLPR to which the command device belongs by using
a decimal (base 10) number.
If no number is defined for the SLPR, a hyphen (-) is displayed.
Configuring Device Manager for CIM/WBEM166