HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.0-00 Administrator Guide (web) (TB581-96325, December 2012)

Table Of Contents
HORCM_MON parameter description format
Use the HORCM_MON parameter to specify the machine information for the local host and the interval
for monitoring errors in copy pair volumes.
Specify the IP address (the Device Manager agent whose version is 5.9 or later supports the IPv6
protocol), host name, NONE, or NONE6. Note that if you use Replication Manager to generate a
configuration definition file, this item will always be specified for the host name (Replication
Manager uses a Device Manager agent to view the configuration definition file).
Specify the information for the host managed by the Device Manager server.
Match the IP address version (IPv6 or IPv4) to the one specified for HORCM_INST.
If an IPv6 environment is being used, specify an IP address. If you specify a host name, an
IPv4 environment is used.
If the OS is Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 R2, you cannot specify an IPv6
address. When an IPv6 environment is used with Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server
2003 R2, you must specify NONE6.
Some of the items in the following table cannot be used to determine the host. As such, they
cannot be specified for ip_address.
Table 85 Values that cannot be specified for the ip_address of HORCM_MON parameter
Device Manager agent version
05-70 or earlier05-805.9 or later
YesYesYesIP address
YesYesYesHost name
Loopback IP addresses ( to
Loopback host name (localhost)
NoNoNoCluster virtual IP address
NoNoNoCluster virtual machine name
Yes: Can be specified.
Sometimes: Can be specified when the copy pair is managed from the Device Manager CLI.
No: Cannot be specified.
Specify the port name or port number.
Using and maintaining the Device Manager agent240