HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.0-00 Administrator Guide (web) (TB581-96325, December 2012)

Table Of Contents
Specify this option to display the serial number of the storage system in decimal
Specify this option to send the contents of the latest execution log file to the
standard output.
This processing involves no hardware access. Note that if no drive information is
recorded in an execution log file, the drive information is acquired and then output
to the standard output and an execution log file. You cannot specify the -k option
and the -h or -hf option at the same time.
-hf [log-file-name]
Specify this option to output the contents of a specific execution log file to the
standard output.
This processing involves no hardware access. If you omit the file name, the com-
mand waits for the entry of a file name. If the specified execution-result log file
cannot be found, the command outputs an error message and then ends. You
cannot specify the -hf option and the -k or -h option at the same time.
-h [log-number]
Specify this option to output the contents of the execution log file identified by a
specific log number to the standard output. This processing involves no hardware
Also specify this option when you want to create a copy of an execution log file.
Use the -h option to specify the log number of the copy source execution log file,
and the -hb option to specify the copy destination. If you omit the log number,
the command displays a list of the existing execution-result log files and waits for
the entry of a log number. If an execution-result log file with the specified log
number cannot be found, the command outputs an error message and then ends.
You cannot specify the -h option and the -k or -hf option at the same time.
-hb [log-file-name]
Specify this option to create a copy of an execution log file. Use the -h option to
specify the log number of the copy source execution log file, and the -hb option
to specify the copy destination. Use the absolute path or relative path to specify
the copy destination file name. If you omit the log file, the command waits for the
specification of a file name. If the specified file already exists, the command displays
a prompt asking you whether you want to overwrite the file and waits for your
reply. You must specify this option together with the -h option. You cannot specify
the -hb option together with any option other than -h.
-hrm [log-number|all]
Specify this option to delete an execution-result log file. Specify the log number
that identifies the execution-result log file to be deleted. If you specify all instead
of a log number, the command deletes all execution-result log files from the default
log storage directory. If you specify nothing, the command displays a list of execu-
tion-result log files and waits for the specification of a log number. If the specified
log number does not identify any execution-result log file, the command displays
an error message and then ends. You cannot specify the -hrm option together
with any other option.
Using and maintaining the Device Manager agent258