HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.1-00 User Guide (TB581-96337, March 2013)

Use Host Scan when you want to newly install HP P9000 Command View
Advanced Edition Suite Software to an existing environment that was
configured by using Remote Web Console.
Scan a host.
To newly install HP
P9000 Command
View Advanced
Edition Suite Soft-
ware to an exist-
ing environment
that was con-
figured with Re-
mote Web Con-
To register multiple hosts in a batch operation, you can use the ImportHosts command to import
host information such as host name and WWNs from a CSV file, and then register multiple hosts in
a batch operation. Hosts that are registered by using the ImportHosts command are managed as
manually registered hosts. For details about the ImportHosts command, see the
HP P9000 Command
View Advanced Edition Suite Software CLI Reference Guide
Priority for acquiring the WWN
When registering hosts, if the hosts you want to register include a host that has a WWN that has
already been registered, or includes multiple hosts that have the same WWN, the host which acquires
the WWN is determined based on the product or application that detects it.
When hosts are registered by multiple methods, the WWN acquisition priority, listed from highest to
lowest, is as follows:
1. A virtualization server.
2. A host registered by using Device Manager agent.
3. A normal host or a virtual machine registered by using Host Data Collector.
4. A manually registered host.
When hosts with the same WWN are registered by the same method:
The WWN is registered to the host that was registered last.
When a normal host or a virtual machine is registered by a virtualization server or Host Data
Collector, WWN is registered to the host that was registered first.
Registering hosts by using Host Data Collector
Use Host Data Collector to register multiple hosts, virtualization servers, and virtual machines in a
single operation.
Items to check beforehand:
Host OS type
Host IP address (IPv4)
Discovering, registering, and adding management targets32