HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.2 User Guide

If copy pairs have been defined using storage system operation management software such as Remote
Web Console, there is no configuration definition file (because there are copy pairs that are not
managed by pair management servers). In this case, you should execute the Device Manager refresh
function from Replication Manager. This will allow the pair information to be acquired from the
refreshed databases.
Performance-related information, copy progress, and the copy pair state for the secondary volume
cannot be acquired. For details on the Device Manager refresh function, see the HP P9000 Command
View Advanced Edition Suite Software Help or HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite
Software CLI Reference Guide. To view the flow of data in open systems, see Refreshing copy pair
statuses data flow (open systems) on page 259.
In mainframe systems, the copy pair statuses are acquired from the instances of HP StorageWorks
P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software or P9000 mainframe agent registered as information
sources. To view the flow of data in mainframe systems, see Refreshing copy pair statuses data flow
(mainframe systems) on page 259.
Copy pair statuses can be refreshed manually (from a subwindow) or automatically (at an interval
preset in the refresh settings). Normally, refreshing takes anywhere from a few to tens of minutes total.
However, if the Device Manager refresh function is used (because there are copy pairs not managed
by pair management servers in open systems), refreshing can require anywhere from a few to tens
of minutes for each storage system. If all copy pairs are managed by pair management servers,
disable the Device Manager refresh function. For details, see Disabling the Device Manager refresh
function on page 260.
When you determine the interval for refreshing copy pair statuses on open systems, use the number
of monitored copy pairs on each pair management server. For mainframe systems, use the number
of monitored copy pairs on each information source as a guideline. The following table provides
guidelines for determining the interval for refreshing copy pair statuses.
Guideline for determining the interval for refreshing copy pair statuses
Guideline interval
Number of copy pairs on pair management
server or information source
3 minutes0 to 1,000
5 minutes1,001 to 2,000
10 minutes2,001 to 3,000
15 minutes3,001 to 5,000
Related topics
Refreshing the copy pair status automatically for each information source, page 262
Refreshing copy pair status automatically for each pair management server, page 263
Refreshing copy pair statuses manually for each copy group, page 262
Refreshing copy pair statuses manually for each host, page 261
Refreshing copy pair statuses manually for My Copy Groups, page 262
Refreshing management information258