HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.2 User Guide

4. Confirm the users whose accounts you want to unlock, and then unlock the accounts.
The lock statuses of the users displayed in the Users subwindow are refreshed.
If you select a user account that is locked because no password has been set, the user account cannot
be unlocked. If you set a password, the user account will be unlocked.
Related topics
About account locking, page 342
Locking user accounts, page 342
About user authentication
You can use an external authentication server (LDAP directory server, RADIUS server, or Kerberos
server for user authentication) to authenticate user accounts for P9000 Command View AE Suite
products and centrally manage the accounts with other application programs.
For each user, you can specify whether the account is authenticated as an account exclusive to P9000
Command View AE Suite products or authenticated using an external authentication server.
If you also want to link to an external
server, you can manage the user accounts that
can use P9000 Command View AE Suite products per authorization group. For details on the necessary
settings, see Using an external authorization server (authorization groups) on page 346.
To enable external authentication for users, you need to prepare to link to the external authentication
server by setting up the server and registering user accounts. Perform the procedures described in
Linking to an external authentication server on page 345, and then perform the procedures described
in Changing the user authentication method on page 346.
To disable external authentication, perform the procedures described in Changing the user
authentication method on page 346 to change the authentication method to the one used in P9000
Command View AE Suite products.
Do not enable external authentication of the built-in account (user-ID: System) and the user account
that is used for communication between Device Manager agents and the Device Manager server
(default: HaUser).
Related topics
Changing the user authentication method, page 346
Managing users and permissions344