HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.3.1-00 User Guide

LAN Local Area Network
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDEV (Logical
A volume created in a storage systemknown as an LDEV (logical device) in a
mainframe system. It is a storage region created by dividing up an Array group
storage region in the XP1024/XP128, XP12000/10000/SVS200 and
XP24000/20000 series. The size of an LDEV is determined by the factory settings
and the size of the drives that make up the Array group. An LU is made up of
one or more LDEVs. In Replication Manager, the storage region of storage system
models other than the XP1024/XP128, XP12000/10000/SVS200 and
XP24000/20000 series are also called LDEVs.
LDKC Logical Disk Controller
Local Scan A volume scan that HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity Manager
Software can perform on Gen'ed volumes. The local DAT attribute is assigned
to the disk configuration definition file in which the discovered volumes are stored.
Local Device
Device Manager on the management server on which Replication Manager
LU (Logical Unit) A volume created in a storage system - known as an LU (logical unit) in an open
LUN (Logical Unit
A management number assigned to an LU in a storage system. A LUN is a number
assigned to identify an LU for the port in the storage system to which the LU is
connected, either by the port or by the host group assigned to the port. An open
system host uses a LUN to access a particular LU.
LUSE LU Size Expansion
(P9000 mainframe
Software used to acquire information about mainframe system hosts and storage
systems. In conjunction with P9000 mainframe agent, Replication Manager
monitors configuration and status information about copy pairs created using
MCU Main Control Unit
MFA P9000 mainframe agent
MIB (Management
Information Base)
A database that defines the structure of information used by SNMP. The MIB
used for Replication Manager defines the information set for alerts, such as
monitored targets, conditions, and messages.
A copy pair configuration with a one-to-many relationship between the primary
and secondary volumes. Information from one volume is copied to multiple
NAS Network Attached Storage
NIC Network Interface Card
N:1 configuration A configuration in which multiple configuration definition files are managed by
the primary volume server and one definition configuration file is managed by
the secondary volume server.
User Guide 455