HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.3.1-00 User Guide

To edit a disk configuration definition file:
1. From the Explorer menu, choose Administration and then Information Source.
The Information Source subwindow appears.
2. Expand the object tree, and select BC Manager / Mainframe Agent.
The BC Manager / Mainframe subwindow appears.
3. Click the Disk Configs tab.
The list of disk configuration definition files managed by Replication Manager are displayed in
the Disk Configs tab.
Click the icon for the disk configuration definition file you want to edit.
The Edit Disk Config - Config File Name window appears.
5. On the Volume Range List tab, edit the volume ranges to be included in the volume scan.
For details on how to add a volume range to the volume range list, see Adding a volume range
to a volume range list on page 70. For details on how to delete a volume range from a volume
range list, see Deleting a volume range from a volume range list on page 71.
When the information about volumes that contain command devices is deleted from a
remotely scanned disk configuration definition file, performing another remote scan for that
disk configuration definition file requires that the target route list definition file and command
device definition file be deleted and then created again.
6. On the Distribution Hosts tab, select distribution targets from the list of candidate distribution
hosts. For details on how to select distribution targets, see Selecting targets for disk configuration
distribution on page 74.
Reviewing mainframe volumes
After a volume scan is completed, you can confirm the volumes discovered by Replication Manager.
For details on how to confirm discovered volumes, see:
Reviewing paired DEVN list, page 76
Reviewing paired LDEV list, page 77
Reviewing unpaired DEVN list, page 77
Reviewing unpaired LDEV list, page 78
Reviewing paired DEVN list
To review the paired DEVN list:
1. From the Explorer menu, choose Resources and then Hosts.
The Hosts subwindow appears.
2. Expand the object tree, and then select a host under Hosts.
The host-name subwindow appears.
Discovering volumes76