HP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager Software 7.4.1-00 CLI Reference Guide (TB585-96029, April 2013)

Specifiable values or charactersOperatorsProperty name
Specify a positive integer, or a positive
integer with a unit. (For example, 256,
500KB, or 10MB.)
Specify an integer from 0 to
The units you can specify are KB,
MB, GB, and TB. KB is the default
=, <>, >, >=, <, <=TotalFreeCapacity
When possible, capacity values in the output information of CLI commands are expressed in a
higher-order unit than the unit specified by the user. For example, the value 10,240 KB is displayed
as 10MB.
For the drive capacity, a value in KB is obtained from Device Manager. However, in Tiered
Storage Manager software, the gigabyte-conversion of those values is used. This conversion in-
volves dividing the drive capacity by 1,048,576 (1,024 x 1,024) and then rounding to the
nearest integer.
Table 11 Restrictions on specifiable characters for property values of filter condition expressions
Characters that cannot be specifiedProperty name
A value must be specified.
If multiple values are specified and separated using commas
(,), any spaces at the beginning or end of the ArrayGroup
names are ignored.
You cannot add a plus sign (+) to the value.
-0 is treated as 0.
A space character cannot be used in the middle of a char-
acter string.
The value is not case sensitive.
( BusinessCopyXP )
You cannot add a plus sign (+) to the value.
-0 is treated as 0.
The value cannot contain space characters.
The value is not case sensitive.
You cannot add a plus sign (+) to the value.
-0 is treated as 0.
You cannot add a plus sign (+) to the value.
-0 is treated as 0.
The value cannot contain space characters.
The value is not case sensitive.
You cannot add a plus sign (+) to the value.
-0 is treated as 0.
CLI Reference Guide 49