HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI User Guide

If the SERVICE_TIMEOUT parameter is changed while a Application Agent command is executing,
the timeout time is not changed for the executing command.
Setting up Application Agent for linkage with RAID Manager
Do not set HORCMINST or HORCC_MRCF in the system environment variable. Also, do not set
HORCM_CONF or HORCMPERM in the system environment variable or the user environment variable.
For the RAID Manager settings, add or change the parameters in the RAID Manager-linkage definition
file (DEFAULT.dat). However, do not delete or modify the following parameters since they are used
internally by Application Agent:
The location of the RAID Manager-linkage definition file (DEFAULT.dat) is stored in the following
Application Agent does not support RAID Manager's Protection Facility. If you link to RAID Manager,
disable its Protection Facility.
Specifying instance numbers
For parameters HORCMINST and HORCMINST_AUX, specify the instance number of the RAID Manager
instance. The specified instance number must be equal to the instance number used in the RAID
Manager configuration definition file name (n in horcmn.conf) on the server.
Application Agent CLI User Guide 115