HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI User Guide

value is
Specify the timeout value for the backup
catalog creation processing at the
remote site as a value between 0 and
86400 (in seconds).
If you specify 0, this processing does
not time out. If you omit this
specification, 3600 is assumed.
Only parameter values in sections that
are considered to be for the remote site
are used.
As a rule, set this value to roughly 1.5
times the period required to run the
backup command for the site at which
this parameter is specified, when the
-cascade option is not specified
(assuming all of the other options are
the same).
Y: Can be omitted.
N: Cannot be omitted.
Specify the parameters in the same order as they are listed in the table. In addition, do not change
the order of the parameters.
For details about the backup command (drmexgbackup) and its options (-cascade, -s, etc.),
see the manual HP P9000 Replication Manager Software Application Agent CLI Reference Guide.
The following table provides details about the handling of the backup command's -cascade
option and sections.
Table 48 How the -cascade option and the sections are evaluated
Remote siteLocal site
Backup serverDatabase serverBackup serverDatabase server
The value specified
for the BK_SERVER
parameter defined in
the section described
to the left is used.
Excluding sections
evaluated as being
for the local site, the
value of the
DB_SERVER paramet-
er in the first section
defined in the defini-
tion file for the cas-
cade configuration is
The value specified
for the BK_SERVER
parameter defined in
the section described
to the left is used.
When the server
specified in the
DB_SERVER paramet-
er is evaluated as
being the local serv-
er, the values in that
section are used.
Application Agent CLI User Guide 155