HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI User Guide

transactions log files, a roll-forward will be completed when the drmexgrestore command is
executed, but the Information Store will not be mounted. In this case, the KAVX1510-E message is
output. For details on this message, contact your HP support representative for assistance.
Notes on restoring data obtained with a VSS backup
While restoring data obtained in a VSS backup, you must not open the physical disk resource
properties on the cluster administrator window. If the properties are open, restoration might fail.
If transactions logs to which Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1 is not applied are mixed with
transactions logs to which it is applied, restoration of data obtained using the VSS backup might
fail. In such a case, a Windows event log with event ID 454 will be output.
If this occurs, recover using the following procedure:
1. Execute the following command for each of the *.edb and *.stm files to be restored, and
record the leftmost numeric values displayed for [Last Consistent].
eseutil /mh name-of-file-to-be-restored
The eseutil command is located in Exchange-Server-installation-folder\bin.
2. The minimum number among these recorded values is the Last Consistent log number.
Move any transaction logs that have a lower number to a different folder.
For example, if the Last Consistent log number was 1ab, transaction log files
E0x00001.log to E0x001aa.log would be moved.
3. Mount all Information Stores for the storage groups to be restored.
Procedure for when the Information Store cannot be mounted
If the data to be restored was obtained by using a VSS backup in Protection Manager version 04-40
or earlier, the Information Stores to be restored must be mounted. If you cannot mount the Information
Store on the server and the server is not Exchange Server 2007, perform the following procedure:
1. Move the data files (*.edb and *.stm) for the Information Store that cannot be mounted to
another folder.
2. Mount the Information Store.
When the Information Store can be mounted, you can perform restoration for obtaining the
database at the time of backup (executing the drmexgrestore command without the -recovery
option specified) and restoration with roll-forward recovery (executing the drmexgrestore
command with the -recovery option specified).
3. If an Information Store that cannot be mounted still exists after performing the above steps, the
transaction log files (*.log) or checkpoint files (*.chk) of the storage group might be corrupted.
Move the transaction log files (*.log), checkpoint files (*.chk), and data files (*.edb and
*.stm) for all the Information Stores in the storage group to another folder. After all the files are
moved, mount all of the Information Stores. In such a case, you can only perform restoration for
obtaining the database at the time of backup (executing the drmexgrestore command without
the -recovery option specified).
In Exchange Server 2007, do not perform the above procedure. If you have performed the procedure
accidentally, dismount the Information Stores, make sure that the transaction log files (*.log) and
checkpoint files (*.chk) of the storage group, and data files (*.edb) for the Information Stores have
been deleted, and then perform the restoration.
Application Agent CLI User Guide 405