HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Administrator Guide (Web Version) (TK981-96004, May 2014)

In Linux:
For configurations not using SSL communication, specify the RMI port number used by Tiered Storage
Manager to accept processing requests.
The range of specifiable values is from 1 to 65535.
This property takes effect when 1 is specified for the server.rmi.secure property.
Default: 20352
If you change the value of this property, revise the htsmserver.location property in the
htsmcli.properties file of the Tiered Storage Manager CLI.
For configurations using SSL communication, specify the RMI port number used by Tiered Storage
Manager to accept processing requests.
The range of specifiable values is from 1 to 65535.
This property takes effect when 2, 3, or 4 is specified for the server.rmi.secure property.
Default: 24500
If you change the value of this property, revise the htsmserver.location property in the
htsmcli.properties file of the Tiered Storage Manager CLI.
Specify whether the Tiered Storage Manager configuration information contained in the navigation
tree is synchronized with the Common Component database when the Tiered Storage Manager server
Specify a Boolean value for this property. Specify true to synchronize information. Specify false
if you do not want to synchronize information.
If you restore Tiered Storage Manager database individually, inconsistencies may arise between the
storage configuration information in Tiered Storage Manager and the Common Component database
when the Tiered Storage Manager server is restarted. In such a case, set this property to true.
Default: false
Administrator Guide (Web Version) 355