HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Administrator Guide (Web Version) (TK981-96004, May 2014)

Specify the send destination address for an event notification email.
Notification emails for all events are sent to the email address specified in this property.
Default: None
Specify the monitoring interval in minutes for checking whether the volume lock period or the specified
time limit for volume locks has passed.
The range of specifiable values is from 1 to 35,791.
Default: 720
Specify the number of migration pairs that can be simultaneously executed in a storage system.
The range for specifiable values is from 1 to 64.
Default: 8
Specify whether filter conditions used for searching volumes or defining storage tiers have their values
checked for validity.
Specify a Boolean value for this property. If you specify true, values will be checked. If you specify
false, values will not be checked.
Default: true
If you specify false, filter conditions will not be checked so make sure that you enter correct filter
conditions. Normally, leave this property as the default value of true so that filter conditions are
Specify the status of the Erase remaining data on source volumes. check box when the Migration
wizard is started, and the action to be taken when the erasedata parameter of the
CreateMigrationTask command is omitted.
Specify a Boolean value for this property.
If true is specified:
The Migration wizard starts with the Erase remaining data on source volumes. check box selected.
Also, if the erasedata parameter of the CreateMigrationTask command is omitted, the
command is executed assuming that Yes is specified.
If false is specified:
Administrator Guide (Web Version) 357