HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Administrator Guide (Web Version) (TK981-96004, May 2014)

Before you specify HORCM_LDEV, make sure that RAID Manager 01-17-03/04 (or later) has been
installed. If you specify HORCM_LDEV when RAID Manager is a version earlier than 01-17-03/04,
volume pair creation will fail. If this happens, the following error message will be displayed:
An attempt to create a pair has failed. Error detail, host "host-name" :
Specify whether to check that the authentication mode for command devices is enabled.
Specify true to check that the authentication mode for command devices is enabled. Specify false
if you do not want to do so.
If you specify false, make sure that no command devices whose authentication mode is enabled
are connected to the host where the Device Manager agent is installed. If you specify false when
the authentication mode for command devices is enabled, you cannot obtain the pair status or perform
pair operations properly.
Specify whether to omit copy pair information when sending host information from the Device Manager
agent to the management server.
Specify true to omit copy pair information. Specify false if you do not want to omit the information.
In the following environments, make sure that you always specify true:
Virtual machine for which a copy pair is assigned
An SVP is used as a virtual command device to manage copy pairs defined as a device group.
When P-VOLs and S-VOLs are assigned to the management server, this property must be specified.
Default: false
If the RAID Manager configuration definition file is stored in a location other than the default, use the
absolute path to specify the storage location of the configuration definition file.
Specify the path according the following rules:
In Windows, use a forward slash (/) as a path delimiter.
In Windows, if a space is included in the path, you do not need to enclose the path with quotation
marks (").
Do not use symbolic links.
Default: None
Device Manager agent properties392