HP XP7 Replication Manager Application Agent CLI User Guide (TK981-96015, May 2014)

10. Check the storage location of the data files and log files.
To check the location, execute the drmmount command using the backup ID checked in step 9
as the argument.
The command results show the mounted drive name. The mounted drive stores data files and
transaction log files for the SQL Server database. If necessary, execute the drmsqlcat command
to check the contents of the file to be backed up.
11. Check the storage location of the metafile.
If you registered the VDI metafile storage directory when executing the drmsqlinit command,
the metafile (original-ID_database-ID.dmp) is stored in the following directory:
If you did not register the VDI metafile storage directory when executing the drmsqlinit
command, the metafile is stored in the drive containing data files and transaction log files.
12. Use a tape backup management software to back up the checked data files, transaction log files,
and metafile onto tape.
13. Execute the drmumount command to unmount the mount point mounted in step 10.
To restore an SQL Server database from a tape (where a tape backup management software that is
unable to link with Application Agent is used):
1. Execute the drmsqlcat command to identify the backup ID for the backup catalog to be restored.
2. Execute the drmmount command, and then restore the backup from tape to the storage location
checked in backup steps 10 and 11.
3. Execute EX_DRM_BACKUPID_SET with the backup ID specified to create a backup ID record
4. Carry out the procedures following step 3 in Restoring an SQL Server database from
tape on page 303 to restore the backup from the secondary volume to the primary volume.
Backing up and restoring an SQL Server database by using a
file share
Usually, to transmit backup information between the database server and backup server, you can use
EX_DRM_FTP_PUT or EX_DRM_FTP_GET to perform FTP transfer. Instead of FTP, however, file sharing
can also be used to copy backup information between servers.
The following subsections describe examples of backing up or restoring an SQL Server database by
using a file share.
The examples in this section assume the system configuration shown in the following figure.
Application Agent CLI User Guide 377