HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software Installation Guide (T5253-96052, May 2011)

logical DKC A collection of storage system volumes, each of which is assigned a CU number in the range
from 00 to FE. In Business Continuity Manager, logical DKCs are distinguishable from ordinary
DKCs, that is to say, the number assigned to each logical DKC (logical DKC serial number) is
called a DKC serial number.
logical DKC
A number (0 or 1) assigned to a logical DKC within the storage system
logical DKC serial
A number assigned to each logical DKC
LPAR logical partition
LRECL logical record length
M-JNL Master journal. The copy source journal for UR.
main control unit A disk control unit that controls the P-VOL of a TC/TCA/UR copy pair
Mainframe Agent A product used for displaying information about mainframe storage systems in Device Manager
or Replication Manager Software
master journal The copy source journal for UR
MCU Main control unit.
MIH missing interrupt handler
monitor mode A startup mode option for Business Continuity Manager agents. If you start a Business Continuity
Manager agent in the monitor mode, you can only monitor copy groups from Replication Manager
NG scan A function for obtaining disk configuration information about volumes for which the OS is not
recognized (Non Gen'ed volume), of the disk controller volumes directly connected to a host.
No-update journal A journal created by UR after the UR ATTIME suspend time occurs that indicates that an update
did not occur.
Non Gen'ed
A volume not defined by an I/O configuration definition for the operating system (for which the
OS is not recognized), of the disk controller volumes connected directly to a host.
NSC XP10000 Disk Array
2DC configuration A configuration in which remote copying is performed from the primary site to the secondary site
2DC configuration
with HyperSwap
and UR
A configuration that performs a delta resync between the primary site and a secondary site, after
a HyperSwap on the primary site. This enables a 2DC configuration to be maintained in which
applications can be continued even after a HyperSwap, and for the volumes that are the
destinations for I/Os to be switched around without the user being aware that anything happened.
3DC Cascade
A configuration to perform remote copying with a nearby intermediate site and distant remote
site, in which TCs and URs are applied from the primary site to the intermediate site, and from
the intermediate site to the remote site
3DC Multi-Target
A configuration to perform remote copying with a nearby local site and a distant remote site, in
which TCs and URs are applied from the primary site to the local site, and from the primary site
to the remote site
4x4 configuration A configuration in which both the primary and secondary sites consist of multiple disk controllers
and remote copy is performed to preserve consistency in those multiple disk controllers. The
applicable copy type is UR.
4x4x4 Cascade
A 3DC Cascade configuration in which TC is applied between the primary site and intermediate
site. UR in a 4x4 configuration is applied between the intermediate site and remote site.
Consistency can be preserved in a 3DC Cascade configuration with multiple DKCs in one site.