HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.1-00 Release Notes (TB581-96338, March 2013)

View Advanced Edition Suite. Specify a path that does not contain multi-byte characters for the TMP
environment variable before performing an installation.
Automatically generating short file and folder names (Windows)
Make sure that the setting for automatically generating short file and folder names (8.3 format) is
enabled. Also, when installing, use a Windows account that was created when the setting was enabled.
If the above conditions are not satisfied, the install might not be successful, or Command View Advanced
Edition Suite might not work properly.
Even after installation is complete, do not change the setting for automatically generating short names.
To check whether a user was created while the setting for automatically generating short file and folder
names was disabled, execute the following command:
dir /x /a- <Windows-system-drive>:\Documents and
Settings\<Windows-account-name> | find /i Local Settings
The following two examples show the command execution results when the setting for automatically
generating short file and folder names was enabled during creation of the user, and the results when
the setting was disabled during creation of the user. If LOCALS~1 is displayed, the user was created
while this setting was enabled.
If the user was created while the setting was enabled:
2010/01/01 18:26 <DIR> LOCALS~1 Local Settings
If the user was created while the setting was disabled:
2010/01/01 18:26 <DIR>
Terminal service (Windows)
You cannot execute the Command View Advanced Edition Suite installer as a RemoteApp in the
terminal service of Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
Symbolic links (Linux)
Ensure that the symbolic links indicated in the following table are not set. If any are set, installation
might not be successful.
LocationSymbolic link destination
/optFile system for installation
/var/optLog output directory
/var/tmpTemporary directory
Under /opt/CVXPAE
Installation directory for the Device Manager server and any
directories under the installation directory
Under /var/opt/CVXPAE
Installation directory for Command View Advanced Edition
Suite products and any directories under the installation
Under /var/opt/CVXPAE /database
Installation directory for the Common Component database
and any directories under the installation directory
Under /var/opt/CVXPAE /database/Base
Under /var/opt/CVXPAE/database/DeviceManager
Installation directory for the Device Manager server database
and any directories under the installation directory
Under /var/opt/ CVXPAE /database/HTSM
Installation directory for the Tiered Storage Manager server
database and any directories
Under /var/opt/ CVXPAE /database/HRpM
Installation directory for the Replication Manager server
database and any directories
46 Important considerations