HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.3.1-00 Configuration Guide

Unsupported configurations (mainframe systems)
The following are a list of unsupported mainframe pair configurations. The Pair Configuration Wizard
cannot be initiated to perform operations to modify these configurations. The copy group definition
file should be edited directly because it is impossible to recover from these configurations using
Replication Manager.
Alternative configuration to im-
plement requirement
Requirement for configurationUnsupported configuration
To create a backup of only some
The number of pairs at the cascade
source and cascade destination is
The number of pairs in multi-target
configurations is different.
Use different copy groups for each
S-VOL if there are copy pairs using
the same P-VOL in the copy group.
To set up a BC multi-target config-
Pairs in the copy group use the
same P-VOL.
Pairs in the copy group use the
same S-VOL.
There are different types of copy
pairs in the same copy group.
Unify the P-VOLs using the same
storage system into the same
To perform an operation simultan-
eously on pairs that span multiple
storage systems.
The storage systems for the primary
volumes in the same copy group
are different.
Unify the S-VOLs using the same
storage system into the same
The storage systems for the second-
ary volumes in the same copy
group are different.
Divide the destination copy groups
into multiple CTGs according to the
cascade source CTGs.
To perform an operation simultan-
eously on pairs that span multiple
storage systems, without maintain-
ing consistency.
The cascade configuration consists
of a container and a copy group.
Create CTGs in the cascade source
according to the cascade destina-
tion copy groups. Pairs in the cas-
cade source must belong to any
To create a backup of only some
The cascade destination contains
multiple copy groups.
*: When primary volumes and secondary volumes in the same copy group belong to different storage
systems, it is necessary to create CTGs with volumes that have the same combination of primary and
secondary storage systems.
Supported functions and unsupported configurations144