HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.3.1-00 Configuration Guide

Perform the following procedure on each server that makes up the virtual server:
1. Create a VBScript file named RecoverJob.vbs in the following location:
You can specify a different name and location for the VBScript file, but for maintenance reasons,
HP recommends that you use the above file name and file storage location.
2. In the VBScript file, specify the recovery processing to be performed by drmjobsch.exe. At
the entry point Function Online( ), specify that the following command is to be executed
(where virtual-server-name is the name of a virtual server to be put online):
Application-Agent-installation-directory\DRM\bin\drmjobsch.exe -recover
-hostname virtual-server-name
See Sample VBScript file for a completed script. In the example,
Application-Agent-installation-folder is C:\Program Files\CVXPAE\DRM.
3. Use the Cluster Administrator wizard to add the new resource to the cluster resource group with
the name virtual-server-name (such as a cluster resource group for Exchange Server).
Resource type: Generic script
Script file path: Path name of the created VBScript file
If the VBScript file is stored on a shared disk for nodes, be sure and register this shared disk as
a physical disk resource in the Resource dependencies field in the Dependencies dialog box.
Sample VBScript file
CHR(34) indicates a double quotation mark ("). When Application
Agent-installation-folder does not contain any spaces, you do not need to specify CHR(34).
The following is the specification when there are no spaces:
"C:\drm\bin\drmjobsch.exe" & " -recover -hostname virtual-server-name"
For details on the specification method, consult your VBScript documentation.
'Script-Level Global Variables
Resource.LogInformation("Script-wide code begins execution")
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Function Online( )
Online = 0
Resource.LogInformation "Entering Online"
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec (CHR(34) & "C:\Program Files\CVXPAE
\drm\bin\drmjobsch.exe" & CHR(34) & " -recover -hostname virtual-server-name")
Do While oExec.Status = 0
Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("timeout /t 1")
Resource.LogInformation "Exiting Online"
End Function
Function Offline( )
Offline = 0
End Function
Function LooksAlive( )
Setting up Application Agent78