HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.5.0-05 Release Notes (TB581-96374, November 2013)

In the GUI or the CLI, this issue occurs when all of the following conditions are met:
Virtualize Volumes dialog box
Capacity of selected volume from which the dialog box is launched is greater than 4,194,304
MB (4.0 TB), or a capacity that is greater than 4,194,304 MB (4.0 TB) is specified in the
dialog box that is launched with selecting no volumes.
An XP P9500 is selected for internal storage system.
CLI AddExternalArrayGroup command
XP P9500 is specified for the model parameter.
create is specified for the luoption parameter.
Volume capacity of external storage system specified for the externallun parameter is
greater than 4,294,967,296 KB (4.0 TB).
The capacity parameter is omitted or is specified for a volume capacity that is greater than
4,294,967,296 KB (4.0 TB).
If this occurs, virtualize a volume using Element Manager.
Specifying volume capacity by the number of blocks in the Allocate Volumes dialog
box, the Create Volumes dialog box, or the Create Pool dialog box
If you specify an odd-numbered block size capacity in the Allocate Volumes dialog box, the Create
Volumes dialog box, or the Create Pool dialog box of the Device Manager GUI, volumes cannot be
allocated or created and the message "Input even number for block" appears. This is
functioning as specified. To create an odd-numbered block size, use the CLI AddLogicalUnit
command or AddVirtualVolume command.
Creating a Smart pool in XP P9500
In the Create Pool dialog box, if operations for creating a Smart pool meet all of the following conditions,
creating the Smart pool may generate the KAIC07861-E error indicating that the cycle time is invalid:
An XP P9500 whose microcode version is earlier than 70-02-00-00/00 is selected in the Storage
System box.
Smart is selected as pool type.
Auto is selected as tier management of Smart Options.
If this occurs, select 24 hours in the Cycle time box, and then select the Show Plan button.
Values displayed in Removable column of pool volume list
If Yes appears in the Removable column of the pool volume list, removing pool volume in shrink pool
process may not succeed under any of the following conditions.
The pool usage rate has exceeded the Depletion Threshold, or the pool status is blocked.
The pool volume status is blocked.
If the pool volume is removed, the pool usage rate exceeds Depletion Threshold, or the pool
subscription rate exceeds Subscription Limit.
Changing the port numbers in CIM/WBEM function
To change port numbers by using CIM/WBEM function, all of the following properties must be
Important considerations 17