HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.6.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

DescriptionStatusParameter name
Object ID of the parity group containing the PDEVs to be returned
Specify this parameter when you want to obtain information about
the PDEVs in a specific parity group. If you specify this parameter,
you must also specify the model and serialnum parameters.
If you specify the model and serialnum parameters and omit
the arraygroupobjid parameter, information about the PDEVs
in parity groups of the specified storage system is obtained.
When obtaining information about all the parity groups and
PDEVs, specify ALL. Specify the object ID obtained from another
CLI response. The value is encoded by the CLI.
Specify this parameter when you want to obtain information about
a specific PDEV. If you specify this parameter, you must also
specify the model and serialnum parameters. If you specify
the model and serialnum parameters and omit the pdevid
parameter, information about PDEVs in the specified storage
system is obtained.
Parameter values to obtain in advance
serialnum and model
Obtain these values from the execution result of the GetStorageArray command. In the execution
result, use the arrayType value or the displayArrayType value to specify the model para-
meter, and use the serialNumber value to specify the serialnum parameter.
Obtain this value from the execution result of the GetStorageArray (subtarget=ArrayGroup)
command. Execute this command by specifying only the model and serialnum parameters,
and ArrayGroup for the subtarget parameter. In the execution result of this command, the
objectID value appears under An instance of ArrayGroup. Use this objectID value
to specify the arraygroupobjid parameter.
Obtain this value from the execution result of the GetStorageArray (subtarget=PDEV)
command. Execute this command by specifying only the model and serialnum parameters,
and PDEV for the subtarget parameter. In the execution result of this command, use the pdevid
value that appears under An instance of PDEV to specify the pdevid parameter. If a comma
is included in the pdevid value, specify the value, excluding the comma.
Command execution example
In this example, the GetStorageArray (subtarget=PDEV) command obtains information about
a PDEV (PDEV number: 1) belonging to a parity group (object ID: ARRAYGROUP.XP1024.10001.0.0)
that is in a storage system (serial number: 10001, model: XP1024).
hdvmcli GetStorageArray -o "D:\logs\GetStorageArray_PDEV.log"
subtarget=PDEV model=XP1024 serialnum=10001 pdevid=1 arraygroupobjid=*****
*****: The value is encoded by the CLI.
CLI Reference Guide 177